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This page is under construction, except i dont really give a shit about it, so...

This page will ever so often be updated purely out of complete boredom.
Yes. It is true. Hey, this page was free anyways... why should I care? I might as well waste bandwidth and resources if all the AOL morons can too.

If you are using AOL to access this site, please, go to hell.
AOL Users are not cool. AOL sucks. If you are too dumb to tell the difference between AOL and the internet, you need to be shot.

This is a good place to have a welcome message and a brief introduction to your Web Site.
This would also be a great place to include any new information or changes that you have made to your site recently. Too bad i really dont care, huh?


Send an email
This is me. Hooray!
Shut up.

note: my hair always changes colors. dont ask.

Crusty punx anyone?
MaiL mE!!